05/22/22 12:02AM
Term warning for no reason?
When uploading videos I don't get the option to properly tag the videos right away like I do for whenever I upload pictures.

When I upload a video it can take minutes or even an hour for the video to load so I can properly tag it and give a source. No one is going to be sitting around that entire time. We all have jobs and lives to get too.

No sure why you guys give me ban warning for something I literally cannot control
05/23/22 03:38AM
An HOUR? I've never had it take more than 5 still using AOL from 1995 to log onto the internet?

Just keep checking back to see if your post was uploaded. When it is tag it as soon as you can. If you do that, then you're not going to get another warning I'd imagine. If you don't have time to check back on your post and tag it after upload, then maybe don't post it until you do have that there a rush or something?

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