05/09/21 05:03PM
A way to solve 'Aliases' + better search function
Greetings! Let's say I want to view 'big_tits blowjob'. There would be plenty of pictures that fit the criteria. However, the search is very limited, with few results.
And then there's the 'Aliases' page. While I understand why it's needed, I propose room for improvement :)

I would suggest two solutions/additions which would hopefully give the site & search a better experience.

(1) Integrate synonyms & largely interchangeable tags within the search function. So that when I search for 'big_tits', it may give large_breasts results as well. If this creates doubt on losing specificity, give priority to the specific searched term queries, followed by the possible synonyms.

(2) Consider implementing image & video suggestions, to provide the preferred media to the viewer.
This could be done in two ways:
(2)a. Use image recognition software/tools to identify specific elements to add as tags (if again doubtful, with tags that have less priority; this could be a preference selected by the user much like other search options) and to suggest similar media.
(2)b. Use user histories and votes to match media & suggest similar content. Maybe provide a personalized page of suggestions? Especially if combined with the previously mentioned image recognition.

Hopefully, these suggestions will be taken into consideration at least :) Apologies if some features are already implemented and I have not seen them.
Thank you! I will follow up on this thread for any discussion. Cheers.

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