07/21/24 09:25AM
We need to ban some people
There are constantly people, misgendering posts just because they think they are helping others. I have had to change way too many tags just because someone labeled way too many transgender female posts as male_only and 1boy. This site really needs to have a tag verification system, because otherwise the most homophobic and transphobic people are the ones changing the tags.
07/22/24 05:52AM
ashyfem said:
There are constantly people, misgendering posts just because they think they are helping others. I have had to change way too many tags just because someone labeled way too many transgender female posts as male_only and 1boy. This site really needs to have a tag verification system, because otherwise the most homophobic and transphobic people are the ones changing the tags.

07/22/24 05:38PM
no, we don't have to ban anyone for that.
that would be ridiculously it would be in line for the mods, but still, it shouldn't be done.
07/23/24 06:17PM
GayBimboBitch said:
no, we don't have to ban anyone for that.
that would be ridiculously it would be in line for the mods, but still, it shouldn't be done.

...Stupid for who? the person misgendering multiple hundreds of posts because they believe its better for homophobic people?

If you are homophobic just come out and say it, but to say something so ignorantly wrong... you deserve to be as well. This is a common problem, its not just you two. They have banned for less, and should have banned people like that because they have already been complained about before.
07/24/24 12:13AM
So basically someone who doesn't enjoy gay porn is homophobic? It IS disgusting for most heterosexual people, and that's completely okay. I used to be like that back when I was still in the closet.
07/24/24 12:10PM
ashyfem said:
GayBimboBitch said:
no, we don't have to ban anyone for that.
that would be ridiculously it would be in line for the mods, but still, it shouldn't be done.

...Stupid for who? the person misgendering multiple hundreds of posts because they believe its better for homophobic people?

If you are homophobic just come out and say it, but to say something so ignorantly wrong... you deserve to be as well. This is a common problem, its not just you two. They have banned for less, and should have banned people like that because they have already been complained about before.

did someone drop you on your head? you're calling ME homophobic? have you seen my name? have you seen my content or my faves?
are you high? drunk on rubbing alcohol or something?
07/25/24 06:27PM
mejustme said:
So basically someone who doesn't enjoy gay porn is homophobic? It IS disgusting for most heterosexual people, and that's completely okay. I used to be like that back when I was still in the closet.

No, someone who actively changes tags because they don't see it as fit, even when they aren't listening to the rules against doing so, even when people have actively reported them for doing so, and talked to them about it before. Thats when it becomes an issue, thats when it becomes you being afraid.
07/25/24 06:31PM
GayBimboBitch said:
ashyfem said:
GayBimboBitch said:
no, we don't have to ban anyone for that.
that would be ridiculously it would be in line for the mods, but still, it shouldn't be done.

...Stupid for who? the person misgendering multiple hundreds of posts because they believe its better for homophobic people?

If you are homophobic just come out and say it, but to say something so ignorantly wrong... you deserve to be as well. This is a common problem, its not just you two. They have banned for less, and should have banned people like that because they have already been complained about before.

did someone drop you on your head? you're calling ME homophobic? have you seen my name? have you seen my content or my faves?
are you high? drunk on rubbing alcohol or something?

So because you find out you are wrong for defending the person above, you can't think of any arguments against it, so you instead just result to insults? Anyone can fake anything on the internet, even their beliefs, it does not matter how you present yourself nor how you tell yourself to be. What matters is what you do for or to others, and this is one of those cases. You are actively defending someone who is breaking the rules because they think that trans people don't exist, yet I'm the problem? You are actively going against what you claim is your own beliefs, yet apparently you are correct? No, that's not how that works. If you can't see the problem, we need to ban a lot more people.
07/26/24 12:25PM
I think tag poisoners who replace the trans tags with blatant misgendering should be enforced in the same way as low effort spammers
I would rather see the transgender tag on a RayRaySugarButt post here than a "1boy"
because RayRaySugarButt is a Trans Girl
07/26/24 01:23PM
GhostySimp said:
I think tag poisoners who replace the trans tags with blatant misgendering should be enforced in the same way as low effort spammers
I would rather see the transgender tag on a RayRaySugarButt post here than a "1boy"
because RayRaySugarButt is a Trans Girl

Its basic human decency!
07/26/24 03:43PM
ashyfem said:
GhostySimp said:
I think tag poisoners who replace the trans tags with blatant misgendering should be enforced in the same way as low effort spammers
I would rather see the transgender tag on a RayRaySugarButt post here than a "1boy"
because RayRaySugarButt is a Trans Girl

Its basic human decency!

Kind of hard to take it seriously when you're throwing a tantrum about it.
07/27/24 05:23PM
ashyfem said:
There are constantly people, misgendering posts just because they think they are helping others. I have had to change way too many tags just because someone labeled way too many transgender female posts as male_only and 1boy.

Yes if someone does this with too much consistency they should be banned. I think "transgender"/"trans_female"/"trans_male" are useful tags and should be respected. If you catch someone messing with these tags consistently please report that user to me or any other mod (mod list at the bottom of the TOS sticky).

THAT SAID...what I won't respect is someone who LOOKS like a dude and claims to be a "trans_female" or vice versa. In the end this is a porn site and everyone wants to jerk off to certain visuals, and I'm not going to allow tag poisoning simply to affirm how one feels inside. RayRaySugarButt, who was brought up earlier in the thread, is a good example of a "transgender"/"tans_female" because they obviously put a bit of effort into achieving that aesthetic.

GayBimboBitch said:
no, we don't have to ban anyone for that.
that would be ridiculously it would be in line for the mods, but still, it shouldn't be done.

It's true the individual would receive a warning first, but if they refuse to stop then yes...they would be banned. Incorrectly removing/replacing tags is considered tag vandalism and is taken very seriously.

07/28/24 09:24PM
ILoveTraps246 said:
ashyfem said:
GhostySimp said:
I think tag poisoners who replace the trans tags with blatant misgendering should be enforced in the same way as low effort spammers
I would rather see the transgender tag on a RayRaySugarButt post here than a "1boy"
because RayRaySugarButt is a Trans Girl

Its basic human decency!

Kind of hard to take it seriously when you're throwing a tantrum about it.

Yeah most might find it humerus but listen, this stuff really gets me and a lot of other people upset. Im not big on modernization, but plain misgendering people, and getting away with it? that gets me extremely upset, and I think rightfully so.
07/28/24 09:28PM
Lemons22 said:
ashyfem said:
There are constantly people, misgendering posts just because they think they are helping others. I have had to change way too many tags just because someone labeled way too many transgender female posts as male_only and 1boy.

Yes if someone does this with too much consistency they should be banned. I think "transgender"/"trans_female"/"trans_male" are useful tags and should be respected. If you catch someone messing with these tags consistently please report that user to me or any other mod (mod list at the bottom of the TOS sticky).

THAT SAID...what I won't respect is someone who LOOKS like a dude and claims to be a "trans_female" or vice versa. In the end this is a porn site and everyone wants to jerk off to certain visuals, and I'm not going to allow tag poisoning simply to affirm how one feels inside. RayRaySugarButt, who was brought up earlier in the thread, is a good example of a "transgender"/"tans_female" because they obviously put a bit of effort into achieving that aesthetic.

GayBimboBitch said:
no, we don't have to ban anyone for that.
that would be ridiculously it would be in line for the mods, but still, it shouldn't be done.

It's true the individual would receive a warning first, but if they refuse to stop then yes...they would be banned. Incorrectly removing/replacing tags is considered tag vandalism and is taken very seriously.

...Honestly, this is the best response Ive seen anyone give to this topic so far. I do completely agree with what you are saying, but the guys that normally try to look like women without being them are called femboys, even on here. I haven't seen them tagged wrong usually, but I do see people just constantly misgendering trans women because it goes against their beliefs. Which I believe, and you have proved, that they should get a punishment for such.

Now saying such, I believe it is finally time for "mejustme" to get this ban, as they are STILL uploading posts, and editing posts, just to misgender trans women. If you go to their tag edits, or uploads, there are pages of them doing it.
07/31/24 12:42PM
ashyfem said:
So because you find out you are wrong for defending the person above, you can't think of any arguments against it, so you instead just result to insults? Anyone can fake anything on the internet, even their beliefs, it does not matter how you present yourself nor how you tell yourself to be. What matters is what you do for or to others, and this is one of those cases. You are actively defending someone who is breaking the rules because they think that trans people don't exist, yet I'm the problem? You are actively going against what you claim is your own beliefs, yet apparently you are correct? No, that's not how that works. If you can't see the problem, we need to ban a lot more people.

I'm not defending anyone, I'm just saying, that nobody should be banned simply for changing tags.
Sure, if someone is actively trawling the page to change tags, that sucks and if there is a rule against it (tag poisoning is a ridiculous term by the way), warn them and then ban them, feel free.
But you want to ban people for less than that. You want me banned, because I said simply banning someone for changing tags would be wrong.
Because you didn't explain that you meant a certain person who's actively trawling the page to change certain tags, you said you want "people" banned, because they change tags in their misguided attempt to help people.
That does sound a bit different than "someone is actively changing the tags on verified/authentic trans people".

My uploads were tagged trans for a while, too, because some idiot decided, that I see myself as trans, which I don't. So, if someone changed them back to 1boy, gay, femboy, crossdresser or something like that, they'd be totally correct with that. You sounded at first like you would want them banned, too. Which would be wrong and idiotic.

Which brings me to my next point: I didn't insult you, I asked you questions because I couldn't believe the way you answered my first post.
You wanted me banned, because I am of a different opinion than you. And you called me homophobic even though I've been uploading homo porn on here for years.
And your second answer to my posts isn't better. You claim I have certain beliefs, which never stood to debate or were mentioned or stated and, again, you implied I should be banned because I have a different opinion than you.
And you still don't understand, that I never defended anyone in particular or actively, I just stated, that nobody should be banned for changing tags in the attempt to help someone.

Because that is what you demanded in your first post.
Your last post is more rational. But I still think, nobody should be banned for changing tags in general. You should be able to prove that they did it with malicious intent.
If, for example, someone isn't deleting the trans tags, but putting 1boy or male or shemale or something similar tags on the pics/vids in addition to the trans tags, that should be totally fine. Because even though a lot of people claim it's scientifically proven that all of this stuff is real or whatever, it isn't and nobody should be forced to it.

And most importantly: This is a fucking porn site, not a political debate.
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