11/14/23 03:14PM
Report Tag Poisoners
Please Report Tag Vandals, and the posts that were tampered with in this thread.

Please do not get into a tagging war with someone or Falsely report people.
05/24/24 08:40PM
user Brasileiroo is not tagging pics as they should and just copy paste the same shit
05/29/24 02:09AM
User mejustme is changing female / trans tags -> boy / gay tags
06/23/24 02:12AM
User PutariaDoBrasil is uploading red-tinted images with little effort in the tags and using an invalid source.
Seems like it's the same guy as Brasileiroo

User Pornpics started doing this same shit too.
06/25/24 04:08AM
Supreme_Masturbator said:
User PutariaDoBrasil is uploading red-tinted images with little effort in the tags and using an invalid source.
Seems like it's the same guy as Brasileiroo

User Pornpics started doing this same shit too.

Yep we're on it. All those accounts have been banned.

The red-tinted images are a trip. I can't even fathom the level of autism this dude has to think people want to see those rather than the original image.
06/25/24 09:49AM
Lemons22 said:
Supreme_Masturbator said:
User PutariaDoBrasil is uploading red-tinted images with little effort in the tags and using an invalid source.
Seems like it's the same guy as Brasileiroo

User Pornpics started doing this same shit too.

Yep we're on it. All those accounts have been banned.

The red-tinted images are a trip. I can't even fathom the level of autism this dude has to think people want to see those rather than the original image.

As someone with Autism, those "pictures" feel like a laser pointer being pointed at my eyes
07/03/24 01:22AM
-qwertyasdf- said:
User mejustme is changing female / trans tags -> boy / gay tags

Yup. I am. The 1girl/1boy tag is about the person's sex. Also, having sex with a person that is the same sex as yours IS gay. I'm bisexual, so I really don't care about seeing such stuff, but what if a normal guy who DOESN'T want to see men searches for something like "female" or "1girl" and ends up seeing a trans woman? I mean, he won't be please, now will he? It's not what he was looking for after all. Same thing with the "gay" tag. Most people will consider such things gay and those who really don't want to see it will put that in their blacklist. But anyway, I stopped doing that, not because someone will change it back but because I'm not sure if it could get me banned.
07/21/24 09:28AM
-qwertyasdf- said:
User mejustme is changing female / trans tags -> boy / gay tags

They very much are, and its gotten to the point where we actually need to get this one person banned atleast, because they haven't stopped at all, and they continue to argue about it. Your transphobic beliefs are opposing the ones you claim to have, and your pages of misgendered tag edits say the same.
07/21/24 06:36PM
They very much are, and its gotten to the point where we actually need to get this one person banned atleast, because they haven't stopped at all, and they continue to argue about it. Your transphobic beliefs are opposing the ones you claim to have, and your pages of misgendered tag edits say the same.

07/31/24 11:27PM
10 months ago he had fun changing the tags of certain posts to put the wrong tag.;s=profile&id=56127
08/07/24 04:45PM
can some admin talk to user hooker bitch (who I'm sure is brazileiro and prostitute#) to please tag his uploads right instead of copy/paste the same awful and wrong tags in every pictures

08/09/24 05:53PM
08/15/24 07:07AM
mejustme said:
-qwertyasdf- said:
User mejustme is changing female / trans tags -> boy / gay tags

Yup. I am. The 1girl/1boy tag is about the person's sex. Also, having sex with a person that is the same sex as yours IS gay.

My thoughts on it is there probably needs to be a tag like "1trans" as kind of a separate category altogether from 1girl/1boy. Then instead of trying to pin down whether it's gay or straight it should be trans_with_female and trans_with_male and trans_with_trans. Not quite sure how others feel about these tags, but that's my thoughts on it.

You'll notice that post is deleted, so yeah I tend to strip off the tags from the posts I remove. If I don't I've noticed that tags can get "stuck" in the system and basically exist on the tag list, but become unsearchable...which annoys the hell out of me. Taking the tags off deleted posts stops that from happening.
08/17/24 02:37PM
Lemons22 said:
mejustme said:
-qwertyasdf- said:
User mejustme is changing female / trans tags -> boy / gay tags

Yup. I am. The 1girl/1boy tag is about the person's sex. Also, having sex with a person that is the same sex as yours IS gay.

My thoughts on it is there probably needs to be a tag like "1trans" as kind of a separate category altogether from 1girl/1boy. Then instead of trying to pin down whether it's gay or straight it should be trans_with_female and trans_with_male and trans_with_trans. Not quite sure how others feel about these tags, but that's my thoughts on it.

You'll notice that post is deleted, so yeah I tend to strip off the tags from the posts I remove. If I don't I've noticed that tags can get "stuck" in the system and basically exist on the tag list, but become unsearchable...which annoys the hell out of me. Taking the tags off deleted posts stops that from happening.

Oh right, because I can still see, but thank you for your reply.

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